January 22, 2025

Why Blog? – Why Every Client Should Want an Attorney Who Blawgs

Teri G. Rasmussen of the Ohio Practical Business Law Counsel has a great post on Why Every Client Should Want an Attorney Who Blawgs.

Teri point out that her blawg gets twice as many hits as the website for her 30 person law firm.

This blog only generates about 15% as many site visits as my firm’s website. Of course my firm does have 850+ lawyers, dozens of marketing professionals and a professionally designed website. I just have me. Considering the resources on each side of the equation, I think my numbers are staggeringly high.

Teri’s reasons why lawyers should blog:

  1. Knowledge Entreprenuer.
  2. Communication 101.
  3. Authenticity and “Real Voice”.
  4. Quality and Competence.
  5. Commitment to “the Law” Made Practical.

Thanks to Kevin O’Keefe of Real Lawyers Have Blogs for pointing this one out.

One thought on “Why Blog? – Why Every Client Should Want an Attorney Who Blawgs

  1. Most welcome Doug, I aim to please. That was a great post though and one lawyers ought to read.

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