February 22, 2025

Compliance Building Round Up

Here are my posts on Compliance Building this week.

House Passes Far-Reaching Bill Tightening Financial Rules

Today, the House passed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173 ), a week after it was introduced. It looks it is a mashup of other bills that were being tossed around in the House to regulate the financial industry.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for December 11

Here are some interesting stories from the past week.

Carried Interest Tax Legislation Suddenly Appears and Moves Forward

December 10, 2009

Tucked into the Tax Extenders Act of 2009 (H.R. 4213), is a provision targeted at partnership interests held by partners providing services. This proposal seems to be the same proposal offered by Congressman Sandy Levin from the 12th District of Michigan in H.R. 1935 which has been sitting in Committee

Data Accountability and Trust Act Passed by House

December 10, 2009
Data Accountability and Trust Act Passed by HouseThe Data Accountability and Trust Act (H.R. 2221) was passed by the House on Tuesday. This act would requires the Federal Trade Commission to promulgate regulations requiring each person engaged in interstate commerce that owns or possesses electronic data containing personal information to establish security policies and procedures.

SEC Goes After Sub-Prime Lender

December 10, 2009
SEC Goes After Sub-Prime LenderThe Securities and Exchange Commission charged three former top officers of New Century Financial Corporation with securities fraud for misleading investors as New Century’s subprime mortgage business was collapsing in 2006. At the time of the fraud, New Century was one of the largest subprime lenders in the nation.

International Anti-Corruption Day

December 9, 2009
International Anti-Corruption DayThe theme of this year’s observance of the International Anti-Corruption Day is “Don’t let corruption kill development.” “When public money is stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build schools, hospitals, roads and water treatment facilities. When foreign aid is diverted into private bank accounts, major infrastructure projects come to a halt.

Positioning yourself for Tomorrow’s Social Media Today: Practical Approaches for Legal Professionals

December 8, 2009
Positioning yourself for Tomorrow’s Social Media Today: Practical Approaches for Legal ProfessionalsJoin Compliance Building’s Doug Cornelius for a 60-minute Webinar at 11:00 am Eastern time on Wednesday, December 9. It’s free, sponsored by Martindale-Hubbell Connected. The webinar will give you examples of social media web-based tools helping legal professionals become more efficient and productive. Will we soon say goodbye to email? Panel

Tuesday Morning Quaterback of Free Enterprise v. PCAOB

December 8, 2009
Tuesday Morning Quaterback of <i>Free Enterprise v. PCAOB</i>On Monday, the Supreme Court listened to the oral arguments in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (08-861). For me in the compliance world, the case is about the viability of PCAOB under Sarbanes-Oxley. For the constitutional scholars it is an important separation of powers case. Responding to concerns about accounting that…

Global Ethics Summit

December 8, 2009
Global Ethics SummitDow Jones and Ethisphere Institute are teaming up to present the 2010 Global Ethics Summit on February 23-24, 2010 at the Grand Hyatt New York City. I just confirmed that I will be attending, thanks to an offer from the event’s organizers. “In an effort to help companies deal with anti-corruption compliance and other significant issues,..

An Effective Workplace Investigation

December 7, 2009
An Effective Workplace InvestigationThe California Supreme Court in Cotran v. Rollins Hudig Hall International, Inc. found that for an employer to have “good cause” to terminate an employee, the employer does not have to prove that allegations of misconduct are true, just that the employer fairly formed a reasonable belief that they were true.

Voting is Open for the ABA’s Blawg 100

December 6, 2009
Voting is Open for the ABA’s Blawg 100The American Bar Association is running its third annual Blawg 100 contest. They winnowed a list of nominees down to 100 and divided them into 10 categories: News, Legal Theory, IMHO, Geo, Practice Specific, Business, Careers, Tech, Justice, and Lighter Fare. I decided to throw my support behind those blogs that I read and enjoy…

CLawBie Nominations

December 6, 2009

CLawBie Nominations The Canadian Law Blog Awards, a.k.a. the Clawbies, are a project started back in 2006 with the goal of highlighting great blogs published by the Canadian legal industry. Steve Matthews and his team at Stem Legal have been working to advance Canadian legal blogging.

One thought on “Compliance Building Round Up

  1. Don’t hold your breath waiting for whole chapters to be written about HR 4173 in the history books. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 it ain’t. This proposed new law is so riddled with loopholes it might as well be rendered next-to-useless. It was passed 223 to 202 – with not one Republican legislator voting in favor of it. Not one. Even a law as watered down as this one is unacceptable to these fools. That fact alone illustrates more than any other the moral bankruptcy of that hideous party.

    HR 4173 is merely a baby step in the right direction. For three long decades these knuckleheads were permitted – by law – to run roughshod over our economy, looting our national treasure in the process. As Sam Cooke once sang, “a change is gonna come”. So much more needs to be done. So many old laws need to be re-instituted. Imagine cleaning up a blood bath with a Kleenex. That is basically what HR 4173 amounts to.


    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY

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