It started in Lenox. We stayed in a perfectly nice AirBnB on Old Stockbridge Road Thursday night. At the crack of dawn we pedaled out, up to Tanglewood. A brief pause to gaze out over the fog-filled valley before we plunged down into the valley off to the border of West Stockbridge and New York.

We gathered for the traditional group photo of 7:00 am before the 90 mile journey up and over the Berkshires to Sturbridge. We numbered about two dozen riders, that we expected to break into several different paced groups.
My lovely wife agreed to support the ride. Graciously, she carried our bags, drinks and snacks for the ride. She also provided mechanical support. (Thanks Honey!!)
We had a bear siting at the first rest stop. A few hundred yards behind us, a big black blob appeared on the side of the road. As it entered the road, it was clearly a bear and lumbered across the road where I had just been riding. That was shortly followed by an even bigger bear following behind.
It’s a long day in the saddle, pedaling up and over the Berkshires. We had a great rest stop at Atkins Country Store set up by Lance’s mom and popsicles in Palmer put together by Bikes Fight Cancer.

A dip in the pool helped refresh my body after a long day in the saddle. The Sturbridge riders of Team Kinetic Karma gathered for dinner Friday before the Opening Ceremonies. Some food, some drinks and an early bedtime to get us ready for the official start at the break of dawn on Saturday morning.

It always feels too early, dressing in the PMC jersey, prepping our bikes and grabbing breakfast in the dark. We strapped unicorns to our helmets in tribute to our prior pedal partner, Maya, who loved unicorns.

It was the usual sea of PMC jerseys, with thousands of riders pedaling from Sturbridge to Bourne. Ty2 joined us in Franklin. We stopped at the end of the party on Cherry Street. Danno’s former neighbors continue to put up a sign for us. We stopped to share a beer to remember Danno.

Thousands more riders who started in Wellesley merged onto the route as we rode into lunch. Ahead at the Lakeville stop, Christine M. was stationed as a volunteer and chalked a sign in the road for the team.

Bourne arrived and we pulled in to the Mass Maritime Academy for end of the Saturday ride. It was time for recovery. Food, beverages and massages.
Relive ‘PMC Day One’
The team gathered for its annual photo with the Cape Cod Canal in the background.

Sunday morning came. We kitted up and were back in the saddle for the final 80 miles to Provincetown. We stopped on the canal for a group picture.

Family gathered in Barnstable. Roy, Sharon and Ryan had some special snacks for us.

We had our traditional toast at Herring Cove Beach before we headed into Provincetown to end the ride.

Thank you again to all of my sponsors who helped support the fundraising for the Pan Mass Challenge.