March 31, 2025

It’s All About the Socks

CRW launched a climbing challenge in mid-February. The CRW-Devo group designed polka dot socks for prizes. To qualify you need to accumulate 29,301.7 feet of climbing (the height of Mount Everest) on sanctioned rides. You didn’t have to ride it all on at once. It was just a matter of accumulating the climbs. The challenge includes a selection of in-person rides and Zwift rides.

I’m mostly riding inside during the pandemic. (Hoping that the end is near.) I jumped on the approved CRW-Devo Zwift rides.

I accumulated the climbs very quickly. It helped that I was working on my “Masochist Badge” on Zwift. That badge is for climbing the Zwift replica of the Alpe D’Huez twenty five times. (Doesn’t have to be in a row.)

Let’s just say that I’m easily motivated. Motivated enough that at the end of one of the CRW-Devo climbs of the Alpe, I turned around and went back up to double my climbing score.

I quickly claimed the top spot on the leader board. By March 12, I had 19,000 feet of climbing.

All rides were sanctioned for the weekend of March 13-14. We got together for what had become our usual Saturday morning Zwift climb up the Alpe. I decided to add some extra climbing. I continued after the summit and made my way up the Epic KOM to add on another 1,500 feet for a total of over 5,000 feet to add to my tally.

Then Sunday afternoon I decided to punch my ticket and go for the goal. I set off up Ven-Top, Zwift’s recreation of the fabled Mont Ventoux in France. It was painful. But those socks would be mine. Goal achieved.

There are more socks available. Check out the CRW site. (You need to be a member.)

The socks came in and I took my first ride with them today. Enjoy the glory of victory.