January 21, 2025

Tour de PMC 2021: Newton to Falmouth

The official Pan Mass Challenge ride was back. It was leaner ride with less ceremonies. Actually, no official ceremonies. There would be no mass start. Riders are encouraged to get on the road early and not necessarily come to the start line to start. For me, it made little sense to go through the logistical challenge of getting to Sturbridge.

I woke up in my own bed on PMC Saturday morning. Well rested. Well, not really. I was exhausted from all the riding I’ve been doing all week. I swung my legs out of bed and groaned. I was going to have to dig deep to keep going to today.

Dan G. swung by my house to start the day. A great companion for the ride down to Medfield to rally with a large group of Team Kinetic Karma riders.

Less than a mile into the ride we came across a group of PMC riders. There was a pack of red-shirted Shawmut Construction PMC riders was pedaling down Chestnut Street in Newton to start their ride. I felt a rush of motivation and power.

We turned down Central and merged onto the Wellesley PMC route. I saw our first PMC spectator cheering us on. I cheered back. I felt a bigger rush of motivation and power.

We passed Newman School in Needham. I looked over to the right and saw a swarm of green and pink. Team Kermit was getting ready to start their ride. I turned around and pulled in. I waved. I hugged. I fist bumped. I felt a bigger rush of motivation and power.

I turned the pedals. Motivation was coursing through me. Forget those tired legs. I was riding the Pan Mass Challenge.

I pulled into Dr. GQ’s house overflowing with emotion. So happy to see my team. So happy to be riding the Pan Mass Challenge again.

Captain Dave was being “stupid” and riding with a brace on his arm after an injury. We would get him to the end.

We started out, turned onto the Wellesley route and headed to the Wrentham rest stop. We crashed through the back of the rest stop to head over to Cherry Street. Several thoughtful volunteers pointed out that we were going the wrong way. We agreed and pedaled on.

Cherry Street is a special stretch of the Pan Mass Challenge. The neighbors shut down the street to car traffic. They line the street with ribbons and signs. There are bands. There are bubbles. They cheer on riders. At the end of the street, the neighbors remember our fallen teammate Danno. We stop and have a beer toast to remember Danno.

It was clear that the big thing missing from reimagined PMC rides was the spectators. As I said previously, the people cheering on the side of the road were incredibly motivating to me. The crowds were thinner. (Stupid Covid.) They kept me going. Making me forget the soreness in my legs.

We had been warned that lunch would be different. It wasn’t radically different. Solid nutrition to keep me going. The team had managed stay together.

The Lakeville rest stop was the biggest disappointment. Usually this is the stop where we meet our pedal partner. Obviously, with pandemic, raging again with the Delta variant, there was no in-person meeting of our pedal partner. To add to the disappointment, there was no Del’s Lemonade this year. One of my favorite ride power-ups. Hopefully, next year back will be back to normal.

The magic to our PMC ride weekend was Captain Dave opening his house for the team to stay overnight in West Falmouth. The Mass Maritime Academy was not open for overnights stays.

Dave’s house was an oasis. The Ridings were wonderful to provide SaG service and provided food and beverages for us. Masseuses were hired. The hot tub was hot. I stood a chance of recovering for my last day of riding. I had a beer with flat Linda.

Unfortunately, our teammate Linda was injured and unable to ride the PMC with us this year. Our teammates got a life-sized carboard version of Linda. Flat Linda started in Sturbridge and had made her way along the PMC. The question is whether we could get her to the finish line in Provincetown. I put one of my luggage tags on her and asked for a favor from PMC support to get her trucked to Provincetown.
