March 9, 2025

PMC Unpaved 2024

I was back for a third time at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac in the Berkshires for the Pan-Mass Challenge Unpaved bike fundraiser. The first two years involved a fair amount of rain. This year promised great conditions.

From Team Kinetic Karma, we had Chris, Ty, me, Stephen and Cap’n Dave.

Unfortunately, I was there with a heavy heart. A great friend, Doc Price, had recently lost his battle with cancer.

Pan-Mass Challenge events are always filled some underlying sadness. We’ve all lost someone to cancer. We all know some who has battled cancer or is still fighting it. We celebrate with bikes for the battles we’ve won. With this underlying grief.

We had a great collection of Team Kinetic Karma and the Brainstorms to ride and celebrate together.

The weather was fabulous and the friendship was even better.

It’s a hilly ride, with most of the big climbs on dirt roads.

For this ride “Pan-Mass” means includes a big chunk of the ride in New York.

Even though we didn’t all finish together, we celebrated the finish together.

Donate to the fight against cancer: