March 6, 2025


I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer. Since I am lawyer, this website may be considered attorney advertising under the ethical rules of certain jurisdictions.

I have published this website and the blog posts with the understanding that they do not constitute the rendering of legal advice or other professional advice. The information on this site/blog is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Even if you contact me through the this site or post a comment to the site, that does not give rise to an attorney-client relationship. I am not your attorney.

The law changes often. That means the content in this site can become outdated quickly. I can’t guarantee that anything on this site is up to date, accurate or complete. I generally do not go back and delete outdated content or my mistakes on the site.

DO NOT take take any action based solely on the content in this site. Seek independent legal advice, from someone other than me.

The views expressed on this website are my personal views. They do not represent (nor are they intended to represent) the positions, opinions or policies of my employer, Beacon Capital Partners, LLC or any of its affiliates or any other company or person.

I am not a journalist. So I am not always impartial and I don’t always dig deep into the facts. If you disagree with what I said or feel I made a mistake, them make a comment with your thoughts.

The comments on this site are not moderated to avoid barriers to hearing what you have to say. However, I may delete any comment I deem to be spam, useless, or offensive. The opinions expressed in comments are those of the commenter. I may or may not agree with the comment.

The sites I link to through hyperlinks in the site are not under my control. They interested me at the time I added the hyperlink, but may have since changed. I do not necessarily agree with what is said on the other end of that hyperlink.

The website log program measures new and returning visitors, page views, countries of origin, and other standard web metrics, but does so anonymously. The site does not require registration.

I may use information that website visitors provide voluntarily.

I do not accept advertising on this website. I do not accept money to promote products or services. Any rave or critique of a company, product, or service on this website is entirely voluntary on my part. I will try to let you know if I have some financial interest in the product or service provider.

That is lot of disclaimers. I am lawyer. It’s in my blood. But I do not want us to have any misunderstanding.

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